Every time I lead Outlook and WordPress training sessions, I frequently encounter inquiries regarding RSS feeds. This term tends to surface across different contexts, yet many individuals remain uncertain about its true meaning. One of these contexts where RSS feeds can be located is within the standard email account folders in Outlook. In this article, I will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of RSS feeds and demonstrate how you can leverage this feature to effortlessly receive updates from your preferred websites directly within Microsoft Outlook.

Unlocking the Magic of RSS Feeds: Stay Informed and Streamlined

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, staying updated with your favorite blogs, news sources, and websites can be a daunting task. This is where RSS feeds come into play, transforming the way you consume online content. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of RSS feeds, deciphering what they are, how to subscribe, and why they are a game-changer for information enthusiasts.

What is an RSS Feed?

RSS, an acronym for Really Simple Syndication, serves as your virtual information butler, ensuring you never miss a beat from your preferred online sources. Imagine it as a personalized newspaper that compiles articles, blog posts, and news updates from across the web and delivers them directly to your digital doorstep. Here’s a closer look:

  • Code for Seamless Updates: An RSS feed is essentially a structured code that enables software applications to access and interpret website updates in a standardized format;
  • Your Digital Social Feed: Analogous to your social media timeline, but exclusively for websites, RSS feeds condense diverse content into a unified stream.

Why Opt for RSS Feeds?

  • Effortless Updates: RSS feeds do the legwork for you, eliminating the need for manual checks on multiple websites;
  • Customizable Content: Subscribe to topics, blogs, or news outlets that pique your interest, curating a tailored information flow;
  • Reduced Information Overload: Streamlined delivery ensures you only receive content you genuinely care about;
  • Time-Saving: Spend less time hunting for updates and more time absorbing valuable information.

Subscribing to RSS Feeds: A Multifaceted Approach

Now that you understand the allure of RSS feeds, let’s explore the various methods to subscribe and access this digital treasure trove:

  • RSS Feed Readers (Aggregators): These specialized tools are designed to fetch, interpret, and display RSS feeds in a user-friendly manner. Consider popular options like Feedly, Inoreader, or The Old Reader;
  • Web Browser Add-Ons: Streamline your web-browsing experience by integrating RSS feed readers as browser extensions. This allows you to access your feeds while surfing the internet. Some recommended browser add-ons include Feedbro for Firefox and Feeder for Chrome;
  • Mobile Apps: Stay updated on the go with dedicated RSS feed apps available for both iOS and Android devices. Apps like Feedly, Reeder, and FeedMe provide seamless access to your chosen content;
  • Microsoft Outlook Integration: If you’re an Outlook user, harness the power of RSS feeds directly within your email client. This convenient feature consolidates your emails and feed updates in one place, enhancing your productivity.

Exploring the World of RSS Feeds: Your Guide to Staying Informed

Understanding RSS Feeds

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds are a streamlined way to receive updated content from various online sources. This tool is especially useful for avid readers who want to stay informed without the hassle of visiting each website individually. RSS feeds automatically bring the latest updates directly to your chosen platform, such as an RSS feed reader or email client like Outlook.

Locating RSS Feeds on Websites

  • Look for the Icon: Many websites prominently display an RSS feed icon, often alongside social media buttons. This icon is usually an orange square with white radio waves symbolizing broadcast;
  • Check the Footer or Header: Sometimes, the RSS feed link is subtly placed in the website’s footer or header. Scrolling to the bottom or top of the page can reveal this hidden gem;
  • Use the Browser’s Address Bar: In certain web browsers, an RSS icon appears in the address bar when a website has an RSS feed. Clicking on this icon can direct you to the feed;
  • Explore the Website’s Menu: Some sites include a dedicated section for feeds in their menu. This could be labeled as “Subscribe,” “Feeds,” “RSS,” or similar terms.

Diverse Sources for RSS Feeds

RSS feeds are not limited to one type of content. Here are some areas where they can be particularly useful:

  • News and Current Affairs: For those who like to stay updated with the latest news, RSS feeds from major news outlets can be invaluable;
  • Sports Updates: Sports enthusiasts can receive real-time scores, game highlights, and player news;
  • Weather Forecasts: Get daily weather updates and alerts directly through an RSS feed;
  • Special Interest Blogs and Websites: Whether it’s technology, fashion, or personal development, RSS feeds from niche blogs bring tailored content to your fingertips;
  • Podcasts and Video Channels: Many content creators offer RSS feeds for their podcasts or video series, making it easier to follow episodic content.

Unlocking the Power of RSS Feeds in Outlook

Outlook, the ubiquitous email and productivity software, harbors a hidden gem that many users are unaware of – its powerful RSS capabilities. The RSS Feeds folder has quietly resided within Outlook for years, yet it remains underutilized by countless individuals who aren’t quite sure what it’s all about. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll not only unravel the mysteries of Outlook’s RSS functionality but also demonstrate how to harness it effectively to streamline your information consumption and stay up-to-date with your favorite websites.

RSS interface

Understanding RSS Feeds

Outlook’s RSS Feeds feature essentially acts as an aggregator, helping you stay connected with your preferred websites, blogs, and news sources. It’s a one-stop destination for all the latest updates from your favorite online content providers. But first, let’s dive into how to add an RSS feed to Outlook.

Adding an RSS Feed to Outlook: A Step-by-Step Guide

To bring the power of RSS into your Outlook experience, follow these simple steps:

  1. Locate a Website’s RSS Feed: Start by identifying a website that offers an RSS feed. You can usually find this option in the top right corner alongside social media icons or as an orange RSS icon;
  2. Access the RSS Feed Page: Clicking on the RSS feed icon will redirect you to the website’s RSS feed page. Don’t be alarmed if the content appears jumbled and unreadable; it’s designed this way for machines to process efficiently;
  3. Copy the Feed URL: Highlight the feed’s address and copy the URL using Ctrl + C on your keyboard. This URL is what you’ll need to connect the website’s updates to your Outlook;
  4. Open Microsoft Outlook: Launch your Outlook application and make sure you’re ready to start subscribing to your favorite feeds;
  5. Add a New RSS Feed: Locate the RSS Feeds folder within Outlook. Right-click on it and select “Add a New RSS Feed.” This action will trigger the New RSS Feed dialog box;
  6. Paste the Feed URL: Right-click within the text box of the dialog box and select “Paste,” or simply press Ctrl + V to insert the copied RSS feed address;
  7. Click Add: After pasting the URL, click the “Add” button to initiate the subscription process;
  8. Confirm Your Subscription: A dialog box will pop up, asking you to confirm your intention to subscribe to the RSS feed. Click “Yes” to proceed;
  9. Observe the Magic: Your newly subscribed RSS feed will now appear under the RSS Feeds folder in your mailbox;
  10. Dive into the Content: Click on the feed folder name to access the latest posts and updates. You can preview the posts or follow the provided links to view the full articles;
  11. Adding More Feeds: Repeat the above steps for any additional RSS feeds you wish to add. Outlook can handle multiple feeds simultaneously;
  12. Stay Updated Automatically: As websites publish new content, Outlook will automatically notify you by displaying the number of updates next to the feed name.

By following these straightforward steps, you can transform Outlook into your personal RSS hub, effortlessly aggregating your preferred online content for easy access and staying informed in real-time. Say goodbye to manually visiting websites one by one, and welcome the convenience of having all your updates delivered to your Outlook mailbox.


In conclusion, RSS feeds can be a valuable tool for staying updated with your favorite websites, seamlessly integrated into Microsoft Outlook. As we’ve explored throughout this article, these feeds offer a convenient way to keep track of content from various sources, eliminating the need to constantly visit multiple websites. By understanding and utilizing RSS feeds, you can streamline your information consumption and enhance your productivity within the Outlook ecosystem. So, whether you’re a seasoned user or new to this feature, consider incorporating RSS feeds into your daily routine to make the most of your online experience.