RSS is a special file format (rss or xml) that is used to describe site news or announcements with a link to the full text. There are several versions of the acronym: Really Simple Syndication and Rich Site Summary. Take your pick.

RSS feeds today are one of the best ways to keep up to date. For example, a compilation of the latest news will help you keep up to date with your niche or hobby. You don’t need to “dig through” dozens of resources to find relevant information, just subscribe to RSS feeds and get news sorted by category.

This format is perfect for news portals which do not have a high level of audience engagement with the material. That is, news do not comment, do not like, do not share in social networks. RSS-feed – is acquaintance with the information. What to do next with it the user decides: go to your blog and somehow respond to the article, just take note or skip your ears. In 90% of cases RSS format is successfully used by portals, blogs (as announcement of new materials), library resources, message boards.