Talk about the pros and cons of using it should be in the context of opportunities for the user and the site owner.
Advantages for the user:
RSS-feeds collect all the information from the connected sources in a single stream, which is convenient to view quickly without unnecessary gestures.
RSS is completely free. The sites benefit from new interested readers. If the announcement of the news is interesting and relevant, then the continuation will want to read the source.
The speed of notifications. The signal of a new publication or news is immediately transmitted to the user. This allows you to be up to date and react to changes in time.
For mobile Internet it saves traffic. It’s more advantageous to activate RSS, than to open ten pages in the browser.
Advantages for websites:
- Growth of traffic. What is RSS-feed for the site – the clicks on the links in the news, the transition to the resource and increase user engagement.
- Accordingly, the promotion in search results.
- Popularity of the resource. A combination: useful content + RSS increases the recognition of the site among the target audience.
- After reading an interesting announcement of the news, people in 80% of cases will go to the site to continue reading.

Disadvantages for resources and users:
- An overabundance of information is the bane of our times. Often users subscribe to multiple feeds that somehow match the subject of their interests. As a result, the information “booms”, and there is not enough time to process it, much less react to it in any way.
- Search engines sooner index RSS, than the original source. The result of this “vigor” crawlers deplorable: the site is assigned the status of little-use resource with all the ensuing consequences (lowering in rendering, filters). This problem is solved this way: they reduce news or articles to the format of an announcement and motivate users to click on the link to go to the source-original.
- Content Theft. XML language is considered the easiest and most convenient for parsing. Trust resources can easily find unique content and pass it off as their own. Even the presence of a link does not save from theft, and if there is no link at all, then proving the source’s status is problematic.